Brunetti Singleman 15 - E-Gitarren Combo
Der italienische Boutique Amp Hersteller Brunetti hat mit dem Singleman einen kompromislosen Ein-Kanal Amp in klassischer Class A Technik im Programm. Seine Stärken liegen bei cleanen, runden und perligen Klängen und bei klassischen, leicht angezerrten Sounds, die an die typischen alten Tweed-Sound denken lassen. Die mit 2 6L6 Röhren bestückte Endstufe leistet 16Watt und kann auf 1/4 bzw. 1/16 der Leistung gedrosselt werden. Der Combo harmoniert sehr gut mit Effektpedalen.
Vorrätig/in stock: Color Vanilla/black mit WGS G12 C/S Speaker € 1.499,00 brutto / €1.259,66 netto* * Only for commercial EU- or NON-EU Residents
***** SUMMER SALE***** € € 1.250,00 brutto / €1.259,66 netto*
* Only for commercial EU- or NON-EU Residents
Da Röhren-Verstärker seit Ende Corona so gut wie nicht mehr nachgefragt werden, habe ich mitt-lerweile nur noch ab und zu Modelle vorrätig. Grundsätzlich kann ich alle Modelle nach Wahl bestel-len. Entweder mit Celestion Vintage 30 oder WGS Veteran Speakern. Die Lieferzeit beträgt ca. 1 Wo-che. Das aktuelle Angebot bei den Farben muss ich jeweils nachfragen (vanilla/black oder black/black)
Ich versuche dann immer € 100,00 unter dem üblichen Marktpreis zu bleiben Since tube amplifiers have hardly been in demand since the end of Corona, I now only have models in stock from time to time. Basically, I can order any model of your choice. Either with Celestion Vin-tage 30 or WGS Veteran speakers. The delivery time is about 1 week. I have to ask for the current range of colors (vanilla/black or black/black) I always try to stay € 100,00 below the usual market price
This product arises from the particular need of each guitar player to have a low power amp of great quality, easy to use, versatile and adaptable to a wide range of live or studio situations. The SingleMan is also available as a head, with different power tube configurations and power. All versions are equipped with PowerLimit®, depending on the sound pressure you prefer. SingleMan is equipped with Accutronics spring reverb and true bypass effects loop which could be completely excluded from the signal path.
The one-channel structure has allowed a straightforward amp focused on clean sound with an immediate tweaking and easy to shape to the taste of the musician, through effective controls and switches for specific functions. We’re very proud of this product, and we received excellent reviews and response from both musicians and dedicated press. SingleMan is available in custom color combination on request!
All tubes signal path | |
Single Channel Preamp | |
Power | class A 15W (6V6) |
Powerlimit® | FULL, MODERATE, QUIET manual switch which operates on the final stage reducing power to 1/4 and 1/16 |
Reverb | Accutronics spring, excluded by remote switch |
Speaker | 12” Celestion V30 (16 Ohm) |
External Speaker | 16 Ohm for add-on speaker |
Effects loop | send return suitable for rack/stomps, could be excluded by manual switch (true bypass) |
Tubes | 2 x 12AX7/ECC83 + 2 x 6V6GT (autobias) |
Electronics | “Red Series” MKP WIMA capacitors, sealed relays, low noise film resistors |
Construction | iron/stainless steel laser cut |
Included | Power cable, Reverb switch, Owner’s manual, Waterproof cover |
Gewicht | 20 Kg |
Masze | 46,5x50x27 cm |